New Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Position at UTC-IASE

The United Technologies Corporation Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering (IASE) at the University of Connecticut (UConn) solicits applications for a full-time tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in one of the Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, or Computer Science & Engineering Departments to conduct research, education and outreach related to systems engineering. The successful candidate will:

  • Develop, sustain, and grow a research program of excellence in the field of systems engineering, requirements formalization and modeling, model abstraction and platform-based system design, control and requirements design and checking. The research program is based on a deep collaboration between industry and the UTC Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering.
  • Teach undergraduate and graduate courses that meet the curricular needs of IASE with particular emphasis on enhancing UTC-IASE’s systems engineering curriculum. Advise and mentor undergraduate and graduate students with particular emphasis in the area of cyber-physical systems and systems engineering.
  • Provide service and leadership to all units of the University of Connecticut, to external academic and scientific communities, and to the general public.

Complete Job Description: